Email List Building Is Important For ANY Business Owner
Should you build an email list? If you are running a business … ANY business … whether offline or online, you absolutely NEED a way to stay in touch with prospects and customers. Just makes sense, right?
Now think about this: Pretty much everybody you know and anybody that could potentially do business with you has an email address. So building an email list of people that you can talk to about you business is a cost-effective no-brainer solution. That just makes sense too, doesn’t it?
So even if you have never built an email list, don’t have an email list, or have a small email list, NOW is the time to get started. Too many people seem to be waiting for the “perfect” time. That perfect time is NOW. A lot of people like to say, “Well, wait until I … ” or “I will start building my list after I … “. Stop it. The time to get started is right now.
If you do not yet have an email marketing list manager, we highly recommend Thousands of business around the world are using this powerful service to build, manage, and profit from their own email marketing lists.
Personally, I’ve used email marketing to build and manage my own lists for more than 17 years. I’ve built lists for digital services such as online advertising, and email marketing. I’ve built lists for consumables like coffee and tea. I’ve built lists for entertainment projects. With each of these projects, the list itself was a huge factor in the success of my campaigns.
When I want to sell more advertising, I send out a special offer and invitation to my email marketing list for online advertising.
When I want to sell more email marketing services, I send out an offer to my list of email marketing prospects.
When I want to sell more coffee and tea, I send out a special offer or incentive to my list for coffee and tea enthusiasts.
When I want to invite guests to come hear me perform with one of the local bands I play with in the Houston area, I send out an announcement to my list of folks that want to know where I’m playing next.
Take a look at those last few paragraphs and really let something sink in. Using email marketing AutoResponders, I am able to build and manage lists for a variety of offers. The system works for me 24 hours a day, generating new prospects, following up with those prospects, communicating with my subscribers, and generating sales. This is all going on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! And with the exception of my music entertainment list, it is happening all over the world!
Email marketing is the most efficient and cost-effective form of marketing your business can use to increase sales while reducing costs at the same time!
Why? Once you build a list, you have it. You can keep mailing to it over and over again. You can continue building your lists while you are mailing to your lists.
Email List Building is NOT Complicated!
A lot of people ask me if building an email marketing list is complicated. I have people tell me all the time, “I could never figure that out.”.
Stop it. Right now, you are reading this article. There was a time when you wouldn’t have been able to read this article. You didn’t know the alphabet. But you started learning. You found out about the letter “A”, and then the letter “B”. You learned 26 letters. TWENTY-SIX! Then you started putting those letters together to make words.
Remember: There was a time when you couldn’t spell your name! Now, you sit here reading this full article because you learned. You started with the basics. You struggled here and there. You had to go slow at first. Then you got faster. Now, you just read like it’s something you were born with. But you started out knowing NOTHING.
Learning how to build and manage your email marketing lists will be the same way. You will start with the basics. You’ll use what you know. You will add more knowledge. You will learn more techniques and tools. You will become better and better at it. Then, the day comes when you are a pro and other people start asking you, “How did you DO that?!?”.
So let’s look at some of the basics involved with learning Email Marketing. Your first step is, of course, to open up an email marketing account with As a business, you are ready to dig in to the power of email marketing and you are ready to spend less than sixty cents a day to get that started. In fact, we are going to give you full access to our system absolutely free for the next 30 days.
Your goal is to spend a little time during those 30 days learning the system, setting up your email marketing campaign, and begin building your email marketing list.
So we are not looking at a budgetary decision. Any business can spend less than 60 cents a day on powerful email marketing technology. And, remember: You are starting out absolutely free for your first 30 days. So “Can I afford it” is not a question that needs to be asked.
Consider this. If you use your 30 Day Free Trial period properly, the end result is that you will begin building your email marketing list and the sales you generate should more than cover a marketing cost of less than 60 cents a day! You probably spend more than 60 cents a day on coffee, snacks, or other beverages, right? Your business probably spent a lot more than 60 cents a day on advertising last week, right? What you are about to learn is going to help you make that advertising even more effective. So, again: We’re looking at something that just makes good business sense. This is not a budget based decision.
So register for your 30 Day Free Trial. You will have full access to the tools, the system, and the training.
Be sure to review the following articles for some tips and insights for setting up your email marketing campaigns and your followup letters: Videos will give you a good overview of our tutorials and videos that are available to help you learn these powerful tools.
Guide To Creating Powerful AutoResponder Letters will walk you through some guidelines on how to create your followup letters if you haven’t done it before.
Here are a number of resources to help you learn about driving traffic to your capture pages or site once your letters are created and ready to run:
- How To Generate Hundreds Of Leads Monthly
- How I Build My Lists
- 28 Ways To Build Your Lists
- 30 Minute List Building Challenge
We are looking forward to hearing from you as you begin using the AutoResponder system to build, manage, and profit from your email marketing lists.
The post How To Build an Email List appeared first on Email Marketing.