I am often asked by our Affiliates for more tips on how to build their TrafficWave.net business bigger and faster. They see our Top Affiliate reports each month and they want to know how to get on that list.
We are, of course, very excited to see TrafficWave.net expand on a global scale and we support the efforts of all our Affiliates who are helping us make that happen worldwide.
What I want to do today is give you what I believe to be the most important tips you can implement if you are truly serious about creating solid long-term residual income as a TrafficWave.net Affiliate:
Tip 1: Build Your Prospect Lists for YOUR business.
Tip 2: Show Other Businesses How To Build Their Prospect Lists.
TrafficWave.net offers powerful email marketing tools that you and millions of other businesses around the world can use to build and manage prospect lists.
For less than 60 cents a day, businesses can use these tools to help increase business locally and globally. From local restaurants to global service businesses, email marketing is a powerful tool and should be used consistently.
The more you build and manage your own prospect lists, the more your own business can grow.
So what I’m saying is: YOU should be using these powerful tools in your own business, first! This email marketing autoresponder will cost you about 60 cents a day. Using these tools properly in your business can (and should) quickly cover that 60 cents per day by helping you drive sales in your business.
Building your TrafficWave income is simply a matter of letting other businesses know how they can also use these powerful tools to build and manage their own prospect lists.
Is it fun to refer other users, get those Fast Track Bonuses, and qualify for Leadership Bonuses? Absolutely! So, realize that the more you focus on helping businesses USE these tools in their business, the more Fast Track Bonuses, Bigger Commissions, and Leadership Bonuses you can expect to see!
Focus on showing other business owners how to use these tools to make more money.
How? This can, of course, be done online and offline. Using social media is always a great idea. Social media helps you connect with other business people and that’s always a good thing. If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you will undoubtedly see me promoting information to other businesses showing them how they can and should use email marketing to build their prospect lists and improve sales. I get to communicate with musicians, real estate professionals, consultants, publishers, plumbers, contractors, network marketers, affiliate marketers, authors, coaches, bands, sports teams, and more through the power of social media. And I love doing it.
Don’t skip over real human conversations, though.
Last night, I met my daughter for dinner where we enjoyed a great hamburger. The owner came out to talk to us and I asked him if they are using email marketing to help generate repeat business.
They weren’t. We talked for a minute and I will be going back to talk with the owner about how he can quickly and inexpensively build a list that allows him to communicate with his customer base and generate repeat business with the click of a button.
He was very excited and we are both looking forward to our next meeting.
The whole process took about 2 minutes and I was back to enjoying an incredible hamburger with my daughter.
You may know I enjoy playing music in the Houston area as a freelance bassist. I am always talking to the other musicians about how they can and should use email marketing to build and communicate with their fan base.
Any time I have a gig, I am talking to the club or restaurant owner about email marketing.
When people ask me, “What else do you do besides music?” I tell them about email marketing. Sometimes, they ask, “I have a _____________________ business. How would that work?”. And I tell them how they can use the TrafficWave system to generate more leads and drive more sales.
You may notice that nothing about this is really “fancy” or “complicated”. I am simply ready to tell any business owner I come across, whether online or offline, about the power of email marketing and how it can help them build their business.
What smart business owner wouldn’t want more business for about sixty cents a day?
Are you part of a business networking group that meets from time to time?
Let them know how they can use these powerful tools to build their prospect lists.
It really is that simple.
So, let’s review. Keep things simple:
1) Use the tools.
2) Show other businesses how to use the tools.
The more you help other businesses grow with email marketing, the more your TrafficWave.net Affiliate income will grow.
Yours In Success,
Brian Rooney
The post How To Grow Your TrafficWave.net Affiliate Income appeared first on Email Marketing.